February 14, 2023, marked the 70th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, innovator, and organizer of science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Georgievich Kusraev

Anatoly G. Kusraev is a representative of the famous school of one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, Nobel Prize laureate in economics, Academician Leonid V. Kantorovich. He graduated from Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk) in 1975. The lectures by G.P. Akilov, S.S. Kutateladze, Yu.G. Reshetnyak, which he attended, determined the direction of his research interests. There, at the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he continued his successful research career until 1991. Anatoly Kusraev defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1979 (under the supervision of Professor Akilov, who was a student and co-author of Kantorovich) and his Doctor of Sciences (second degree, habilitation) thesis in 1986. 

In 1991, Anatoly Kusraev moved to Vladikavkaz, where he headed the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Khetagurov (a most famous national poet of the Ossetian nation). 

Soon, in 1994, on the initiative of A.G. Kusraev, the State Scientifc Center of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania was established, which in 2000 was reorganized into the Vladikavkaz Scientifc Center (VSC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and North Ossetia-Alania. A.G. Kusraev was the head of this center from the moment of its establishment until 2018, after which, up to the present, he is the scientifc advisor of the VSC. In 2007, on the initiative of Anatoly Kusraev, the Southern Mathematical Institute (SMI) of the VSC RAS appeared within the structure of the VSC. This institute signifcantly infuenced on the development of mathematical science and education in the South of Russia, and Anatoly Kusraev leads this institute since its creation. 

Professor Kusraev is the founder and editor-in-chief of the scientifc journals “Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal” and “Bulletin of the Vladikavkaz Scientifc Center,” co-editor of serial scientifc publications (collections) “Mathematical Forum (Itogi Nauki. The South of Russia)” and “Mathematical Monograph”; he is a member of various expert councils in the feld of natural sciences, the initiator and organizer of international mathematical conferences and scientifc schools for youth. For instance, the international scientifc conference “Order Analysis and Related Issues of Mathematical Modeling,” which has been held regularly since 2003, now is a widely recognized and popular scientifc forum in Russia and abroad. The research achievements of A.G. Kusraev are highly appreciated by the international scientifc community. He obtained fundamental results in modern functional analysis and applications to optimization and mathematical modeling problems. He was one of the frst to propose and develop efective methods for studying functional spaces and operators in them, based on a combination of various methods of analysis, algebra, and mathematical logic—the general position method and the cyclic compactness method. He found fundamentally new representation theorems and gave concrete applications to important functional-analytic structures. 

Among the most important scientifc achievements, the following can be listed: the development of the theory of dominated operators; adaptation of Boolean valued models technology to the problems of functional analysis; applications of Boolean valued models of set theory to the study of order-bounded operators in vector lattices; development of vector duality methods; and a complete solution of the problems of order boundedness of derivations in functional algebras, the problems of geometric characterization, and isometric classifcation of injective Banach lattices. 

He is the author of 24 scientifc monographs, 5 of which were published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 26 textbooks, and more than 300 research articles published in leading Russian and international journals. He is a member of the editorial boards of several scientifc journals, a member of the program committees of many scientifc conferences and has repeatedly been an invited lecturer at leading international mathematical forums. Under the scientifc supervisorship of A.G. Kusraev, 20 Ph.D. dissertations were successfully defended; three of his students defended Doctor of Sciences (second degree) dissertations. A number of his students became excellent mathematicians and now work in scientifc centers and universities in Russia, the USA, Canada, Israel, Turkey, etc. 

Anatoly G. Kusraev is the father and head of a large family. Together with his wife, Tomaeva Raisa Kharitonovna, he raised two daughters (PhD in mathematics and PhD in management) and a son—a resident of A.N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center of Cardiovascular Surgery. 

Wishing to Professor Anatoly Kusraev further creative success in all endeavors, 

Alexey Karapetyants 
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Series A

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