Vladikavkaz Young Researchers Mathematical School, XVI will take place during the period from 24 till 27 September, 2021. It will be held online via Zoom. The corresponding link will be sent to all registered participants before the School starts. Those who are not registered yet can do it until September 20, 2021

Detailed program of the School is already available and can be downloaded here.

It includes series of lectures in fundamental and applied mathematics: 
  1. Anke Kalauch, Professor (Technische Universit¨at Dresden Fakult¨at Mathematik, Institut f¨ur Analysis; Dresden, Germany) 
    Lecture series: «Pre-Riesz Spaces»
  2. Nazarov A.I., Doctor of Sciences, Professor (St. Petersburg Department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, St. Petersburg) 
    Lecture series: «Small deviations of Gaussian processes and spectral asymptotics of differential and integro-differential operators»;
  3. Golubyatnikov V.P., Professor (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS; Russia, Novosibirsk) 
    Lecture series: «Periodic trajectories in gene network models»
  4. Troitsky V.G., Professor (University of Alberta; Canada, Alberta) 
    Lecture series: «Banach lattices».

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